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孟垂乾, 王乐, 张春会, 王智超, 田英辉. 基于水-土-管耦合分析平台的海底管道在位稳定性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 618-626. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230368
引用本文: 孟垂乾, 王乐, 张春会, 王智超, 田英辉. 基于水-土-管耦合分析平台的海底管道在位稳定性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 618-626. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230368
MENG Chuiqian, WANG Le, ZHANG Chunhui, WANG Zhichao, TIAN Yinghui. In-place stability of submarine pipelines based on water-soil-pipeline coupling analysis platform[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 618-626. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230368
Citation: MENG Chuiqian, WANG Le, ZHANG Chunhui, WANG Zhichao, TIAN Yinghui. In-place stability of submarine pipelines based on water-soil-pipeline coupling analysis platform[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 618-626. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230368


In-place stability of submarine pipelines based on water-soil-pipeline coupling analysis platform

  • 摘要: 海底管道是深海油气工程中的关键组成部分,其在位稳定性受波流荷载、周围土体抗力及管道自身特性等因素的影响,现有分析方法难以准确评估水-土-管耦合作用下的海底管道在位稳定性。为此,首先利用FORTRAN编程语言分别建立了管-水作用分析程序与管-土作用分析程序。管-水作用分析程序采用傅里叶分析法计算作用在管道上的水动力荷载,并依据管道位移变化对该荷载进行实时修正;管-土作用分析程序基于已有的管土相互作用模型,计算管道在发生运动时受到的水平向土抗力。随后,基于有限元分析软件ABAQUS中的DLOAD与UEL子程序将上述程序进行耦合,最终形成用以分析海底管道在位稳定性的水-土-管耦合分析平台。利用该计算分析平台,综合考虑海况条件、土体性质及管道外形参数等因素对管道在位稳定性的影响,为实际工程中海底管道的在位稳定性分析提供了参考。


    Abstract: The submarine pipeline is a key component of deep-sea oil and gas engineering, and the in-place stability of pipelines is affected by ocean waves and hydrodynamic loads, soil resistance and pipeline characteristics. The existing analytical methods are difficult to accurately evaluate the in-place stability of submarine pipelines under water-soil-pipe coupling. For this reason, a pipeline-water interaction analysis program and a pipeline-soil interaction analysis program are established using the FORTRAN programming language firstly. The former uses the Fourier analysis to calculate the hydrodynamic loads acting on the pipelines, and corrects the loads based on displacement change of the pipelines in real time. The latter is based on the existing pipeline-soil interaction model to calculate the horizontal soil resistance of the pipelines during movement. Subsequently, the above programs are coupled based on the DLOAD and UEL subroutines in the finite element analysis software ABAQUS to ultimately form a water-soil-pipeline coupling analysis platform for analyzing the in-place stability of the submarine pipelines. The effects of sea conditions, soil properties and pipeline shape parameters on the in-place stability of the pipelines are comprehensively considered in the platform, providing a reference for the in-place stability analysis of the submarine pipelines in practical projects.


