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张小小, 陈永贵, 李昆鹏, 叶为民, 王琼. 前期化学循环作用下石墨烯改性GMZ膨润土持水特性[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(7): 1490-1497. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20220497
引用本文: 张小小, 陈永贵, 李昆鹏, 叶为民, 王琼. 前期化学循环作用下石墨烯改性GMZ膨润土持水特性[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(7): 1490-1497. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20220497
ZHANG Xiaoxiao, CHEN Yonggui, LI Kunpeng, YE Weimin, WANG Qiong. Water retention characteristics of grapheme-modified GMZ bentonite subjected to preliminary chemical cycles[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 45(7): 1490-1497. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20220497
Citation: ZHANG Xiaoxiao, CHEN Yonggui, LI Kunpeng, YE Weimin, WANG Qiong. Water retention characteristics of grapheme-modified GMZ bentonite subjected to preliminary chemical cycles[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 45(7): 1490-1497. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20220497


Water retention characteristics of grapheme-modified GMZ bentonite subjected to preliminary chemical cycles

  • 摘要: 高放射性废物深地质处置中,缓冲/回填材料在含盐地下水入渗及衰变热耦合作用下,可能遭受以盐化-淡化过程为主要形式的化学循环作用,从而影响其持水特性。针对中国首选缓冲/回填材料GMZ膨润土,根据北山预选处置场地下水主要离子为Na+和Cl-,研究了前期NaCl溶液循环作用下石墨烯改性GMZ膨润土的持水特性。结果表明,当吸力低于150 MPa时,随前期化学循环次数增加,石墨烯改性膨润土的持水性能不断提升,而干密度对持水性的影响逐渐弱化;当吸力超过150 MPa时,持水性能受前期化学循环影响不明显。石墨烯改性膨润土的持水曲线具有明显回滞性,但回滞幅度随前期化学循环次数增加而逐渐衰减。化学循环次数增加使水分滞留土体内部不易排出,因而进气值和残余饱和度不断增大、过渡段斜率逐渐趋缓。在前期化学循环过程中,含盐量不断累积,循环次数越多,渗透吸力越大,对持水性能的影响越显著。


    Abstract: In the deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste, affected by the coupling of saline groundwater infiltration and nuclear decay heat, the buffer/backfill materials may undergo the chemical cycles of salinization and desalination process, which in turn affect their water retention capacity. The GMZ bentonite, the preferred buffer/backfill material in China, is investigated. Beishan in Gansu province, the potential disposal site, is taken as the engineering background, and the NaCl solution is chosen to simulate the chemical environment of in-situ groundwater. The water retention capacity tests considering the preliminary cyclical infiltrations of NaCl solution and distilled water are carried out. The results show that when the suction is below 150 MPa, the increase of the preliminary chemical cycles strengthens the water retention performance of the graphene-modified GMZ bentonite, and weakens the effects of dry density on the water retention capacity. When the suction exceeds 150 MPa, the preliminary chemical cycle scarcely plays a role. In the drying/wetting path, the water retention curve of the graphene-modified GMZ bentonite has obvious hysteresis, and the hysteresis amplitude gradually attenuates with the preliminary chemical cycles. When the preliminary chemical circles increase, the water entry and residual saturation value of the grapheme-modified bentonite increase, and the transition zone slope tends to be gentle. The influences of the chemical circles on the water retention capacity of the modified bentonite are related to the accumulation of salt content. With the increasing cycles, the salt content grows, and the influences of osmotic suction are more conspicuous.


