For the inclined burial anchor plate, the researches on the influences of inclination angle on the bearing characteristics are insufficient, and the coupling effects of inclination angle and burial depth controlling the bearing mechanism are also not clear. Based on the model tests and the digital photographic measurement technology, the bearing characteristics of the inclined strip anchor plate in sand are studied, and the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The uplift bearing factor
Nγ of the anchor plate increases rapidly at first and then slowly with the increase of the burial depth ratio, until it approaches an asymptotic value. The larger the inclination angle, the faster the growth rate of uplift bearing factor. (2) The growth factor of bearing capacity
Ki increases nonlinearly with the increase of the burial angle, but decreases as a whole with the increase of the burial depth ratio, and the growth rate is faster at first and then slower. The larger the burial depth ratio is, the smaller the influence of inclination angle on the uplift bearing capacity. (3) The evolution of sliding surface of soil around the anchor with the burial depth ratio and the inclination angle can be described by an ellipse. The ratio of the major to minor axes of the ellipse decreases with the increase of the burial depth ratio, which can be described by the power function. With the same burial depth ratio, the size of the ellipse is not affected by the inclination angle, but has to rotate the ellipse of the horizontal anchor plate by a certain angle to obtain the ellipse of the inclined anchor plate, and this rotation angle can be expressed by the quadratic function of the inclination angle. (4) The equivalent path method can be used to deduce the mechanical models from the shallow-burial horizontal anchor plate to the deep-burial inclined one, which makes it possible to establish the pullout mechanics analysis model for the anchor plate in the whole domain of burial depth and inclination angle.