Consolidation analysis of composite foundation with multiple and reinforcements by granular columns with high replacement ratio impervious piles
摘要: 多元复合地基是近年出现的一种新型的复合地基形式,其利用两种或者两种以上的桩型对地基土进行加固,以期达到提高地基承载力,减小工后沉降,加速地基固结的作用。以高置换率散体材料桩联合不排水桩的多元复合地基为研究对象,通过引入散体材料桩内径、竖向渗流,对散体材料桩和土体均采用固结方程进行求解,同时考虑多元桩和土体共同承担外部荷载,推导了该多元组合型复合地基的固结控制方程及解析解答,并对解答的合理性进行了验证,最后对多元组合型复合地基的固结性状进行分析。Abstract: The composite foundation with multiple reinforcements is a newly emerging technique to stabilize soft soils. By this technique, two or more types of differenent piles are combined to stabilize soft soils by increasing the bearing capacity, reducing the post-construction settlement and accelerating the consolidation rate. The composite foundation stabilized by the granular columns with high replacement ratio and impervious piles are selected for analysis. By considering the radial and vertical flows within the granular columns, the consolidation of the granular columns is analyzed in the same way as that for the surrounding soils. Moreover, the surcharge loads are considerd to be supported by the granular columns, the impervious piles and the soft soils together. Then the governing equation for consolidation of this type of composite foundation and the corresponding analytical solutions are derived. The rationality of the solution is futher discussed and verified. Finally, the consolidation behavior of the composite foundation is analysed.