Researches and application of key technologies for risk analysis and emergency rescue of landslide-dammed lakes
摘要: 地震或暴雨导致山体塌方形成堰塞湖,给下游人民生命财产造成巨大威胁,及时准确采集处理堰塞湖应急抢险所需数据,识别分析堰塞湖灾害风险,能够为堰塞湖应急抢险、减灾兴利提供科学依据。以红石岩堰塞湖灾害应急抢险和处置工程为依托,提出了堰塞湖应急抢险数据采集与处理方法,系统研发了堰塞湖灾害及其风险因子识别方法体系和堰塞湖灾害应急指挥平台,构建了堰塞湖应急抢险成套关键技术,研究结果表明该套技术体系能有效应用于红石岩堰塞湖应急抢险与后续处置工程实践,解决了堰塞湖应急抢险快速响应与科学决策难题。Abstract: The landslide-dammed lake caused by earthquakes or heavy rains will threaten the lives and property of people in the downstream. It is necessary to timely and accurately collect and process the data with respect to the dammed lake for the risk identification and analysis. And this will also provide a scientific basis for emergency rescue, risk eradication and disaster reduction for the landslide-dammed lake. Based on the emergency rescue and disposal project of Hongshiyan landslide-dammed lake, a set of key technologies for disasters of landslide-dammed lakes are developed containing the collection and integration of emergency rescue data, the identification of risk factors and emergency command platform, and they are successfully applied to the emergency rescue and subsequent treatment of Hongshiyan landslide-dammed lake. This technical system solves the problems of quick response and scientific decision-making in the emergency rescue of landslide dams.