Initiation of a large landslide triggered by Wenchuan earthquake based on ring shear tests
摘要: 2008年5·12汶川地震触发了大量滑坡灾害,牛眠沟滑坡是发生于震中的同震大型滑坡。经过现场调查,该滑坡启动后即与对岸山梁相撞并产生20 m爬高,估算速度达19.8 m/s,表现出高速启动特征。取滑带材料进行室内环剪试验,结果表明试样在不排水条件下具有很高的剪切液化能力,且动剪应力下容易液化,液化后材料视摩擦角仅为 9.4°,从而得出地震滑带材料液化可能导致牛眠沟滑坡高速启动。通过能量方法,估算了不排水动剪试验材料的液化能量和地震过程通过滑带的地震能量。结果表明,滑带材料破坏所需峰值加速度为192 gal,液化所需能量为2.3×104 J/m2;汶川地震沿滑带方向提供最大地震加速度为799 gal,从而满足滑带液化的能量条件,并推测滑坡可能在地震初期突然触发。Abstract: A great number of landslides were triggered during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Among them, the Niumiangou landslide is the large-scale landslide in the epicenter area. The site investigation shows that the landslide mass collides to the NE side of the valley immediately after initiation. The moving velocity estimated is 19.8 m/s, suggesting the characteristics of high initial velocity. The materials are taken from the source area and a series of ring-shear tests are conducted. The results show that the materials have a high liquefaction potential under undrained condition. They are easy to liquefy and the apparent friction angle is only 9.4° under undrained cyclic loading condition. The liquefaction of the materials in sliding zone during earthquake may cause the initiation with high velocity of Niumiangou landslide. Through an energy approach, the dissipated energy in cyclic loading tests and the possible energy dissipated to the soil layer in the slope by the earthquake are estimated. The peak acceleration for triggering sample failure is 192 gal, and the energy for sample liquefaction is 2.3×104 J/m2. It is inferred that the possible seismic energy that can be dissipated to initiate the slope failure on the source area can be much greater than the value required for the initiation of liquefaction failure. The slope instability might have been occurring several seconds after the arrival of seismic motion.