Comprehensive application of geosynthetics in solidified soil sea dike projects
摘要: 结合现场实际工程,对土工合成材料的应用情况进行了介绍。结果表明:机织无纺布、无纺土工布、土工充填袋等土工合成材料均可用于固化土海上围堤工程,起到相应的排水、反滤、隔离、防护等作用,解决了利用淤泥筑堤的关键技术难题,对我国水运工程建设起到了很大的推动作用,值得进一步推广应用。Abstract: In combination with the actual project, the application of geosynthetics are introduced. The results show that woven nonwoven geotextile, nonwoven geotextile, filling bags and other geosynthetics can be used to solidify soil sea dike project, and they play the role of drainaging, filtration, separation, protection and so on. The key technical problems of mud embankment is solved. The construction of water transportation is promoted. They are worthy of further application.