Determination methods for effective opening size of geotextiles
摘要: 对土工织物有效孔径的试验方法进行阐述、对短纤针刺非织造土工布进行有针对性比对试验分析,对有效孔径的试验方法进行了探讨。干筛法适用于编织土工布,湿筛法由于更能直接模拟工程工作特性,适用于包括非织造土工布在内的所有类型的土工织物。Abstract: The determination methods for the effective opening size of geotextiles and geotextile-related products are discussed. They include wet sieving method and dry sieving method. Through comparison and analysis of the test data, the dry sieving method, is applicable to woven geotextiles, and the wet sieving method can be used for all the geotextiles in duding non woven geofabrics.