Field monitoring and analysis of stresses for dual-purpose pile wall
摘要: “桩墙合一”结构体系考虑将常规的临时围护排桩作为正常使用阶段地下结构的一部分,目前已有了相关的工程实践,其受力模式与荷载分担特性也已进行了相关的理论研究,但尚缺乏实测数据的支撑。以上海虹桥商务区某基坑工程为背景,开展了从基坑开挖至上部结构施工的“桩墙合一”结构体系应力实测,实测数据在分布规律上与理论计算结果具有较好的一致性,结果显示在地下结构施工完成至上部结构施工过程中,围护排桩承担了主要的土水压力,表明简化设计计算中所考虑的荷载分担模式是安全可靠的。研究成果加深了对“桩墙合一”结构体系受力特性的认识,为推动了该技术的推广应用奠定了基础。Abstract: The dual-purpose bored pile wall, which serves as a retaining wall in the construction period and the outside wall of the permanent underground structures, has been used in some projects. The stresses and load sharing features for this type of wall have been investigated, but field monitoring data are limited. The stresses in the dual-purpose bored pile wall for an excavation in Hongqiao District of Shanghai are monitored from the commencement of excavation to the completion of underground structures. The measured stresses agrees fairly well with the calculated results by the simplified method. In addition, most of the pore water pressures and earth pressures are undertaken by the bored piles during the entire monitoring period. Therefore, the load sharing assumption taken in the simplified method is considered to be reasonable. The dual-purpose bored pile wall has been proved to be feasible and can be widely used in similar excavations.