Fractals in soil mechanics
摘要: 根据粗粒土颗粒破碎的分形模型,导出粗粒土颗粒破碎强度的尺寸效应,修正颗粒破碎几率的Weibull模型和粗粒土的剪切强度公式;根据黏土颗粒表面的分形模型,导出黏土的膨胀变形和压缩变形的统一表达式,建立分形介质土力学的理论框架。Abstract: The tensile strength, crushing probability and shear strength are deduced from the fractal model for particle breakage of coarse soils. The swelling deformation and compression are derived fron the surface fractal model for cohesive soils. The soil-water characteristic curve, effective stress and shear strength are derived from the surface fractal model for pore-size distribution of unsaturated soils.