Dynamic monitoring and emergency treatment of deep foundation pit in ultra deep silt layer
摘要: 辅以工程实例阐述了深基坑的施工监测动态信息与应急处理。依据基坑监测变形的数据变化频率、危害程度及地层和周边环境实际情况而拟定不通的加固处理应急方案,主要论述了基坑遇超厚淤泥层时变形超警戒时的应急加固方案。Abstract: Based on an engineering example the dynamic information and emergency treatment of construction monitoring of deep foundation pits are introduced. According to the change frequency of monitoring deformation severity, formation and surrounding environment conditions, the reinforcement schemes are prepared. The emergency reinforcement scheme for the foundation pit is discussed under the deformation of ultra thick silt layer.