Case study of super-deep foundation pit of Pingan IFC
摘要: 深州平安国际金融中心大厦是华南地区目前在建的最高建筑物(塔楼屋顶高度588 m,塔尖高度660 m),地上118层,地下5层,基坑开挖深度达到-33.8 m,本基坑不仅开挖深,周边环境复杂,且基坑开挖不仅受到了周边众多建筑物和北侧地铁隧道的限制,在如此复杂环境下进行基坑支护设计和施工均难度较大,结合其地质条件和周边环境,详细介绍了该基坑设计和施工中的关键技术方案,如支撑体系中采用了双圆环内支撑、止水采用了高压旋喷桩和袖阀管注浆结合的方法及结合圆环支撑采用了栈桥坡道出土等方法,本基坑属于复杂环境条件下超深基坑,其支护和施工关键技术可为为类似工程提供借鉴和参考。Abstract: Pingan IFC is the highest building under construction in South China at present, whose top floor is 588 m high and spire's is 660 m high, with 5 floors under the ground and 118 floors above the ground. The excavation depth of foundation pit is up to -33.8 m, and the surrounding environment is complex. It is subjected to many nearby buildings and subway tunnel at its north side. Therefore, the design and construction of supports for the foundation pit are difficult. The key technical schemes for the design and construction of the foundation pit are introduced. The double-ring inner-supporting structure is used as the inner support system, and the combination of high-pressure jet grouting pile and grouting with sleeve valve pipe method is used to cut off water. Considering the ring inner-supporting structure, the earth is removed at trestle. As a super-deep foundation pit under complex environment, its design and technical solution may provide reference for similar projects.