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石明生, 夏威夷, 王复明, 刘恒, 潘艳辉. 高聚物锚固体与粉土间黏结性能试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(4): 724-730. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201404017
引用本文: 石明生, 夏威夷, 王复明, 刘恒, 潘艳辉. 高聚物锚固体与粉土间黏结性能试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(4): 724-730. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201404017
SHI Ming-sheng, XIA Wei-yi, WANG Fu-ming, LIU Heng, PAN Yan-hui. Experimental study on bond performance between polymer anchorage body and silt[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 36(4): 724-730. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201404017
Citation: SHI Ming-sheng, XIA Wei-yi, WANG Fu-ming, LIU Heng, PAN Yan-hui. Experimental study on bond performance between polymer anchorage body and silt[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 36(4): 724-730. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201404017


Experimental study on bond performance between polymer anchorage body and silt

  • 摘要: 以竖向高聚物注浆锚杆为对象,对高聚物锚固体与粉土间的黏结性能进行了大量试验,详细研究了锚固体直径、密度、长度对黏结强度的影响;同时研究了不同锚固体长度下黏结应力的分布情况,及其在不同荷载作用下的变化规律。试验结果表明:钻孔孔径、锚固体密度、锚固体长度对黏结强度均有重要影响:黏结强度随锚固体密度的增大而增大,在小密度情况下增幅更为明显;黏结强度随锚固体长度的减小而增大,短锚固长度(2.5~ m)下土体的抗剪强度几乎能完全发挥,长锚固体(5 m)时仍具有较长的有效黏结长度;黏结强度基本随孔径的增加而减小。高聚物锚杆有较显著的黏结应力集中分布现象,主要黏结区域随着荷载增大逐渐向底部转移和扩大。


    Abstract: The bond performance between polymer anchorage body and silt is studied through the ultimate pullout tests on vertical polymer anchors. Based on the field tests, the effects of pore size, density and length of anchorage body on the mean bond strength are investigated. Meanwhile the distribution of axial force of polymer anchor steel bars is also measured, and the distribution of bond stress between polymer anchorage body and silt under various loads is calculated subsequently. The test results show that the size, density and length of anchorage body have great impacts on the bond strength. The bond strength increases with the density and more obviously in low density. With the decreasing length of anchorage body, the bond strength increases, short anchor (2.5~ m) is optimum to exert the shear strength of soil mass, and long anchor (5 m) still has long effective bond length. The bond strength increases with the reduction of hole size. The concentrated bond stress area existing in the polymer anchor moves and widens to the bottom with the tensile load.


